Wednesday 30 November 2011

My handsome little hockey player was my inspiration to get out and practice shooting today.  I figure if he can get out and shoot for an hour, I should be able to too.  ;)

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Sleepy Babies

Life seems to take over at times.  Weeks will pass and I'll notice that dust is starting to form on my camera bag, sitting sadly in the corner of my room.  So here I am, making a promise to myself, to take more time for 'me' and practicing my shots and re-finding my love of photography.  

To start myself off, I've decided to work on something that has become a bit of an 'arch enemy' to me... portrait photo's.  Landscapes have become easy and comfortable.  Time to challenge myself - get out of the comfort zone and try to master (or at least improve greatly on!) something that has been haunting me for years!