Friday 7 February 2014

Have you had FUN today?

Okay, I confess.  I'm one of 'those people' who rolls their eyes when reading an article, or listening to someone drone on about 'Acting Like a Kid' and 'When was the last time You did something FUN'.

I'm all for fun.  Who isn't?  But lets cut through the crap.  I am 40.  Ugh.  Yep, I said it.  And... I have 3 kids.  I  know fun thank you.  I see it regularly in the cyclone of family around me.

But what some of these great Fun loving enthusiasts seem to fail to realize is... and shhh - this is a BIG secret I'm about to share here...   Real people have Real Lives!!!  Omg.  Yes, it's true!

We go to work, we have mountains of laundry, we have homes that don't clean themselves or have a maid come in once a week to change the sheets and scrub the toilets for us, so that we can go out and frolic with the butterflies.

We get up early in the mornings to make lunches and wake up miserable little people who don't want to get out of their nice warm beds and go 'Get some Knowledge'.  We throw together the most healthy breakfast possible for someone that doesn't want to even eat yet, selves included and chauffeur them off to school (so that they actually make it there on time.)

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention how our real life also involves that wonderful 10 minutes of bliss under the hot water washing your cares away and wishing you were still in your own cozy warm bed.  Does that count as 'Fun'?

I don't think blow drying this crazy mane of hair counts, that stopped long ago as a teenager who had some super cute boy to impress.  Sorry babe, I love you to the end, but impressing you with my hair is no longer on the menu most days.  Thankfully smelling nice for you still does!

Fun... ahhh.... it really does sound great, but honestly at the end of the work day (where sadly I don't get paid to have 'fun' either), helping with homework, making sure everyone has been picked up or dropped off from lessons or play dates, making another healthy meal that everyone will sit down and enjoy together, assisting with bathing and bedtime routines - I don't have the energy for Fun.

I don't think we ever think forward when we're kids and assume that one day, the fun will just 'Stop'.  And it's a sad realization when it does.  And yes, we really should do something about it.

Now to just find the Time.  
I think it's next to the Energy!

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