Saturday 25 January 2014

What's in Your Trunk?

So, what's in your trunk this winter?

Apparently for most people, not what should be, according to the experts.  Go ahead, just ask Siri.  That's what my kids did earlier today, after being completely stumped as to why mom would be frustrated and annoyed to find that her 'Emergency Shovel' was laying in the front yard after being used to build a truly awesome ice fort last week.

First of all, I can appreciated a great Ice Fort.  I mean, I am a Canadian girl.  Born, raised here and despite my complete loathing for cold weather, I love seeing the boys outside, bundled up, getting rid of some of that pent up excess energy playing in the snow.  So long as they're being safe, not making one in the mountain of snow the plow slowly deposits where the driveway meets the road (also known as the 'garbage spot' for most), along with making sure they have the capability of a quick escape should it come crashing down (thin roof required!) - then I'm a happy camper.

However, the thought of being stranded somewhere, in need of one of the basic safety items I have made a concentrated effort over the years to keep in my trunk, especially during the cold and snowy winter months, really doesn't put this mom in a cherrie type of mood.

While I like to think we work hard to raise our kids to have, what I call basic knowledge, some days I am left mouth agape, shaking my head and wondering how they don't know certain things yet.
I guess it comes down to experience you've gained over the years though reading, doing stuff completely wrong and sometimes just being completely unprepared and paying the price.  (A little thing we call Natural Consequences!) 

When my boys didn't automatically understand WHY  I would possibly need a shovel in my trunk - I put them to the test and picked their brains as to why they thought it should be there.
Here's what I got in response:

a)  Incase someone tries to attack you, so you can smack them in the head with a shovel!
b)  So you can stop off at the stinky mushroom farm and bring home some manure in your car.  (eww - so gross!)
c)  For building sand castles at the beach?
d)  To be nice and pick up someone else's dog poop at the park.
e)  Incase dad makes you really mad and doesn't listen to directions, (15 yr old adds - you'll also need a bag of lyme!)  (Dear lord, what do they put on television now a days??)

So I've learned today - that my boys need a  few lessons in basic life and road safety, that they really are used to me gardening a lot - and wouldn't think twice about bringing animal poop home in my fine automobile,  and that maybe, just maybe I don't always stay calm and cool with dad in the car. ;)

Take a minute to look over this list and see what you might be missing!  Better safe than sorry (and Freezing!)

Yep... STILL out there...

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