Friday 17 January 2014

Are you Positive you really want your man to help more?

Ah Friday... Grocery shopping day.  I generally choose this day because my kids are all in school full time, I work from home and it's a good day to get it done before the craziness of the weekend begins.
If you say you've never been in a grocery store on the weekend - (a) I immediately wonder what planet you're from,  (b) I'm insanely jealous of your life,  (c) I think you're probably full of crap.

This morning I have the great pleasure (please note my usual sarcasm) of having my dear hubby wanting to help with the shopping.  Don't get me wrong.  He's a great man.  Helps out around the house a lot in the winter while he has down time from our business.  He cooks, does laundry, fixes stuff.  In fact he gets bored easily and asks if I have anything on the 'Honey Do List'.  All in all, I really lucked out in the husband department, because he's great looking to boot!

This however, is one department I'd really prefer to fly solo in.  Yes, I'm set in my ways (already!?) and have a particular 'way' of grocery shopping.  I like to put my reusable bags in the back seat so they're easy to grab when I get out of the car, he thinks they should go in the trunk.  
I like to go through the grocery store isle by isle and follow my list; he's willy nilly all over the place - to the point of sometimes hitting each isle twice!
I put my groceries on the conveyor belt in a particular order - yes, I'm really that OCD apparently.  I like things packed together so that unloading and putting it all away at home is quick and simple.  He throws everything in together.
There really are more... but I'll spare you any more gruesome details of my personality disorder.

All these things I really can 'stand' and do when he really wants to come, and I have no good excuse for him staying behind.  Sometimes I even manage to stay quiet with my complaints.  (Okay, now I'm the one full of crap - I moan a lot when we shop together and he laughs at me and my 'anal retentive' ways.)  But this week there's a new twist - he's going over all the flyers and making multiple lists.
There are now 3 stores on the list, with the potential for more, as he continues to go thought the pile.

While I applaud his plan to save a few dollars by going to multiple stores with items on sale, all I can picture is this process repeating itself multiple times and honestly, it's too much for me.  Not to mention the logic of driving from store to store and spending all that extra time, really seems to defeat the overall purpose.

So I'm doing what any smart sensible woman would do.
I'm sending him solo.

Lesson of the Day:  Be careful what you wish for.  You just might get it.

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