Sunday 12 January 2014

When Free isn't Free

In the couple of weeks building up to Christmas, a fantastic and famous photographer that I speak with on occasion and am a really big fan of, had a giveaway contest on his FB fan page.  For once it was something I'm actually good at - being creative!  (And because he chats with a great number of his fans, yes I still qualified to take part.)

A lot of people came up with some really awesome responses to the question posed and unable to decide on a clear cut winner, 8 of us won a copy of an absolutely stunning photo book created by this artist.  To say I was excited would be putting it mildly.  As a hobby photographer, I really look up to this persons work.

A few short days before Christmas my early 'present' arrived!!  I was going to put it under the tree and wait until Christmas morning to open it, but let's be real.  Anyone who knows me knows the chances of that actually happening are pretty damn slim.  I just wanted to rip it open two minutes after it was delivered to the front door!

It is a fabulous book, far larger than I had expected - not to mention it weighs a ton. 
Finding somewhere for it to live and be admired, while not actually being touched by any child or husband with grubby hands, has been a challenge in itself.
I stop by it every day or two, flip through the pages and dream I am far off in one of the gorgeous locations pictured.  It's a great escape, that as a mother and wife, I relish on nutty days.

So great right?!  Yeah... Ask yourself, is 'free' ever actually free?   Nope.  

This morning I finally got around to opening a few pieces of mail that arrived late this week (it's been busy around here okay...  Okay, really they were buried under a bunch of flyers on the kitchen counter that I hadn't managed to get into the recycling bin yet.)  and oh what do I find - an envelope from FedEx.  FedEx??  I really wondered on this one.  Who actually gets mail from them?

Inside was a lovely (please note my dripping sarcasm) bill for the duty owing on my 'gift' that is apparently valued at $100.

So yes, I now owe $25.12 for my 'free' book, because it came from out of country.

I love it still.  But I'll never look at it the same again.

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