Saturday 11 January 2014

What's a new pair of shoes worth to you?

Yesterday I received a package that was eagerly anticipated - new shoes!  What woman doesn't get excited about that?  Well, okay, I'm sure there are many of them out there - and quite a number who would be happy to tell me all about how there are much more important things in the world - and I will admit there are.
But I still get excited about new shoes.  Especially since I haven't gotten a new pair in awhile.  A couple of months actually.  That has to be a record for this girl!

While I don't normally order shoes online, as I am a 'try them on' kind of girl, this pair was to replace a pair that were 'destroyed' (and I'm not at all exaggerating here) when I lovingly lent them to my daughter for a New Years party.

Lesson 176:  Don't lend a teenager your shoes.  For anything.  Ever.

This is also why I chose a very inexpensive pair to lend her.  See... Smarter than your average bear.  Though Mr. B says if I was smart, I wouldn't have lent her a pair at all, with her track record for not returning things in good working order, or at all.  
Like I'm going to admit he's right.  Ha!
(Okay, so he was right - damn it.  Thankfully, he'll never read this and so it will be our secret.)

Anyway, as a good parent, with a husband rolling his eyes and giving me the 'I told you so' face, I did the right thing and promptly went online to the same store said shoes were purchased from and found a replacement pair - and made my daughter pay for them.
I am such a good mom some days!  (At least when it comes to figuring out how to get new shoes.)

Thankfully I have done a great job with her and she didn't complain in the least about paying for the new pair.  Now all I had to do was wait.  Which is hard.  Especially for shoes.

Living in Canada, I've learned to try to avoid ordering anything from the US, only because it's apparently a HUGE deal to ship something across an imaginary line.  I mean really.  It cost an extra $20 to get the same box that extra 1/2 hr past Buffalo?  No.  But you pay it anyway if you want the damn shoes.  And so I did.  Or should I say, she did.  

Ordered Sunday morning, I have to say I was impressed when the package arrived Friday morning.  That must be record time for getting something across the border.  At least for me it is!  

After happily ripping that baby open and giving the nod of approval to a great pair of black heeled faux leather booties, I was saddened to find out that they were too big.  Even though I ordered the exact same size as all my other shoes from that store have been. 

Okay, so they're too big.  Not a huge deal.  The one shining star in this moment was reading the back of the packing slip that stated I could easily return them within 30 days if I didn't love them for any reason.  Awesome!  They even provided a return label to place on the box.  How convenient.  Now I was wondering what fortune I was going to have to pay to ship them back to Ohio!

Wonderful surprise #2!  They had a mailing address for Canadian residents!  Yahoo!  And it just got better.  The return address was less than a 5 minute drive from my house!

Wow.  This was perfect.  I was heading out to run errands anyway; could easily drop off the shoes and not have to cough up a small fortune to send them back for exchange.  Perfect.

Yeah, you see it coming don't you.  Nothing is that easy.  I mean, why would it be?  That would just be too simple.  Too convenient.  Too awesome.

I was promptly notified in the reception office of the company contracted to accept returns on behalf of the shoe company, that policy (made by the US company that hired them) that they could not accept returns in person.  That they had to be sent in by courier or registered mail.  There had to be a 'record' of them arriving.

God forbid someone just give me a written receipt saying they got there.
Ugh!!  So much for easy.  (Whatever happened to the simplicity of the 'days of old'?)

So now I'm off to the Post Office, where I'll have to sign away a kidney to pay for a pair of heels that were marked down to a ridiculously great price, to go back around the corner from my house.

I'm starting to wonder if all these big companies own stock in the mail and parcel companies.  
It would seem so.

Thanks Charlotte Russe for the extra pain in my ass today. 

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